Thursday, September 2, 2010

Is this Cajun Country?

Well, actually we're still in Colorado - but for this day, I felt like I was livin' and eatin' down in Cajun country.

We had a mini family reunion last weekend in Delta, Colorado with Skip's family. These are three of his four sisters, and can they ever cook! Tonight's menu was jambalaya (an iconic dish native to Cajun country) and cornbread. If you're new to this food, it consists of bite-size pieces of chicken, fresh shrimp and sausage all cooked together in a delicious spicy brown sauce served over rice. And when you get these three Louisiana-bred sisters makin' this dish, you're talkin' a scrumptious meal! (By the way, I helped set the table!)

Getting together with family is always a special time for me. Nothing profound has to happen. We don't have to be going somewhere or doing something. It's being in the same room with each other, sharing  memories and laughing - that's what I love. There's those good times and bad times in the dynamics of every family. And this weekend, with this family, happened to be one of those GOOD times!

 What greater thing is there for human souls than to feel that they are joined for life - to be with each other in silent unspeakable memories.
- George Elliot

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