Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Balloon Lady

I am beginning to learn that it is the sweet, simple things of life which are the real ones after all.  
- Laura Ingalls Wilder

Every Tuesday afternoon for the past 12 years, my friend JoAnn and I have been meeting with the elderly Benedictine Sisters in the infirmary at Benet Hill Monastery. We bring them a home-made dessert (which we take turns making) and spend an hour with them in fellowship and conversation. We call it our Tuesday Tea Party - even tho no one drinks tea! We always think of a question to tweak their memories and get them conversing about the past. It's been an unexpected blessing for us as they share their wisdom and memories.

When we first began doing this, JoAnn and I were working at the Monastery. We are both retired now, but they enjoyed it so much that we decided to continue. So every Tuesday afternoon, the two of us meet for lunch and make the 50 minute drive to the Monastery for our Tuesday Tea Party. This is where the balloon lady comes into the picture.

It was yesterday - Tuesday - and we were eating lunch at Chick Fil A before heading up to meet with the Sisters. From our booth, I noticed this woman making these balloon animals for all the young children in the restaurant. I watched their faces light up with big smiles as she twisted and turned those ordinary colorful balloons into works of art. When she passed by our booth, I asked if she would mind making one for me to bring to the Sisters. It's silly little things like this that also light up the faces of us "older" folks, so I knew I could find it a good home. And I did! Meet Sister Ernestine who is now the proud owner of her very own balloon-doggie.

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